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Posted on 12-29-2015

5 Signs It Is Time To Schedule An Eye Exam With Newport News Optometrists  

Anytime you have recurrent headaches, blurry or cloudy vision, eye pain, or floaters, it is important to schedule an eye exam. Most eyesight problems start with minimal symptoms that continue to advance until you receive treatment from an eye doctor. Early diagnosis and treatment can often reverse or stall the condition and help you retain your eyesight and even prevent further complications. Here are five symptoms that should always prompt you to schedule an eye exam with your Newport News optometrists.

Blurry Vision

As your cornea thickens or changes shape, your field of vision may slowly start to become blurry around the edges. Eventually, you will struggle to see detail up close or far away, depending on if you are nearsighted or farsighted.

Cloudy Vision

If your vision looks cloudy in a small spot, cataracts could be developing in the lens. This spot will continue to increase in size until treated by an eye doctor.

Eye Pain

Squinting and head tilting to clear up blurry vision does very little to mitigate strain on your eyes. As a result, your eyes may feel sore and tired, especially if you spent the day reading, using a computer or scanning far ahead.


Eyestrain can continue to worsen throughout the day, leading to a serious headache. Head pain associated with eyestrain is often localized right behind the eyes and at the temples. These headaches rarely respond favorably to over the counter medications.


You must have all eye floaters evaluated with an eye exam to rule out retina abnormalities that could damage your vision. Fortunately, most floaters in your field of vision are completely normal and tend to go away on their own.

Scheduling A Newport News Optometrists Appointment

At N2 Eyes Comprehensive Optometry, you will always receive a comprehensive eye exam by Dr. Cassis or Dr. Overmeyer. These eye doctors can pinpoint health and structural problems that could lead to deterioration of your vision over the coming months.

What prompted you to schedule your last eye exam?

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