5 Things You Can Do to Protect Your Eye Health
Protecting your eyesight is an important part of maintaining your quality of life. Here are five simple things you can do to help preserve your vision.
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Posted on 02-25-2016
When doctors diagnose ADD, ADHD or dyslexia in a child, it raises concerns for parents. The problem is that some individuals are misdiagnosed due to the similarities of certain vision problems with the symptoms of dyslexia or ADHD. The key to ensuring that a child has appropriate care is discussing your situation with an appropriate medical professional and evaluating a child's vision.
Children do not always express their situation clearly and that can lead to misunderstandings when it relates to vision and eye health. Our Vision Therapist, Dr. Martha Overmeyer N2 Eyes has the skills and experience to recognize when a child's symptoms actually stem from vision problems and challenges with the way a patient recognizes objects or manages his or her eyes.
Problems with vision, such as difficulty focusing the eyes at the same object or a lazy eye, contribute to the way a child interacts with the world. Vision therapy helps a child learn the skills he or she needs to improve his or her vision through exercises and natural treatment strategies.
The key to improving a child's vision in Newport News, Virginia is recognizing the underlying symptoms of a vision problem. Dyslexia or ADHD have similar symptoms to certain vision problems because a child cannot focus on the board in a classroom or see clearly to read the text. Essentially, a child loses focus during class or has difficulty learning to read due to his or her vision and the way that the eyes change focus rather than an underlying behavioral concern.
By working with our Newport News Vision Therapist, parents can ensure that a child is accurately diagnosed for vision problems. Incorporating vision therapy into a treatment plan helps a child recover and improve his or her vision.
The cure to any problem is appropriate and accurate diagnosis. A misdiagnosis of ADHD, ADD or dyslexia when a child actually has a vision problem results in inappropriate treatment. To learn more about caring for a child's eyes and vision, contact us today.
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