5 Things You Can Do to Protect Your Eye Health
Protecting your eyesight is an important part of maintaining your quality of life. Here are five simple things you can do to help preserve your vision.
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Posted on 01-28-2016
Vision therapy is a progressive program of visual exercises that targets how the message is transferred from the optic nerve to the brain. It’s akin to physical therapy – only targeted for the eyes and brain. It helps improve how a patient processes visual information. Vision therapy is highly effective for many common visual problems, such as convergence insufficiency, double vision, lazy eye, crossed eyes and some learning disabilities. In the case of reading and learning disabilities, vision therapy it targeted toward visual problems which directly inhibit reading and educational instruction.
Under doctor supervision, an individualized vision therapy program is created to fit the needs of the patient. In-office treatments are generally conducted twice a week with 30 minute sessions. Often, patients are given a set of visual procedures to complete at home for reinforcement. Vision therapy specialists use a wide array of specialized medical equipment for vision therapy, including computer software, prism lenses, balance boards, visual-motor-sensory integration training devices, therapeutic lenses and more.
Are there scientific clinical studies demonstrating the efficacy of vision therapy? The answer is yes. The 12-week Convergence Insufficiency Treatment Trial (CITT) reported in the Archives of Ophthalmology found that 3/4 of patients who received in-office vision therapy reported less severe symptoms relating to reading, including blurry vision and eyestrain. Recent findings about neuroplasticity confirm that vision therapy can improve visual performance and correct vision problems.
When a basic eye exam indicates that corrective eye wear isn’t needed but a vision problem still exists, vision therapy may be an effective solution. At N2 Eyes Comprehensive Optometry, our Newport News optometrist, Dr. Martha, offers vision therapy services!
Call N2 Eyes Comprehensive Optometry to schedule an appointment. If you’ve having vision problems, vision therapy just may be an appropriate treatment option for you.
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