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Contact Lens Exams at N2 Eyes

At N2 Eyes Optometry, our eye doctors, Dr. Cassis and Dr. Overmeyer, provide contact lens exams for those in Newport News, VA and the surrounding communities. If you have been thinking of getting your eyes tested for glasses or contacts, or would like to switch from glasses to contacts, our Newport News optometrists are here to help you. Please read on to learn more about our contact lens services at N2 Eyes Optometry.

Our Contact Lens Examinations in Newport News

All of our contact lens examinations begin with a thorough eye and vision evaluation. We do this to ensure that you are a good fit for contacts. During the examination, we will determine your vision correction needs.

First, we measure refractive error (astigmatism, nearsightedness, and farsightedness). We will take measurements of the front of your eye (the cornea) using a special instrument called a corneal topographer.  We will discuss how you plan to wear your contacts, whether it's to school, to work, or for playing sports.

Once we know the type of vision correction you need, our eye doctors, Dr. Natalie Cassis and Dr. Martha Overmeyer, will discuss the different contact lens options available to you. Our Newport News optometrists will help you select a pair that suits your lifestyle and vision correction requirements.

Corrective Lenses at N2 Eyes Optometry

two_contact_lensesWe stock both soft and rigid gas permeable contact lenses. We can also fit you with specialized contact lenses for certain eye conditions, such as bifocal contact lenses. If we think a special lens would benefit you, we will speak about it during your consultation.

No matter which lens type you choose, you will need to care for the lens properly so it does not cause irritation or eye injury. In your contact lens exam, we will demonstrate how to care for your contact lenses. There are lenses that require daily, weekly, twice a week, or monthly changing. Based on your lifestyle, we may recommend a certain type of contact lens for you.

During this time, we also welcome any questions from you so please do not hesitate to ask.

Unfortunately not every patient of our will benefit from contact lenses. There are certain individuals that may be better served by glasses. If we determine that contacts are a poor fit in our contact lens examination, we can discuss alternatives with you that will keep you healthy and comfortable.

We are eager to assist you with your contact lens examination! To schedule an exam at your earliest convenience, please contact us today at 757-596-4018 or use our new online appointment scheduling form.