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Ortho-K Frequently Asked Questions

When you want to improve your vision and reduce or eliminate your dependence on corrective lenses, at N2 Eyes Comprehensive Optometry in Newport News, Virginia can help. Our Newport News optometrists use state of the art technology to provide Ortho-K services to patients throughout the area, which is a non-surgical procedure using special lenses you wear at night to reshape your corneas while you sleep.

What is Ortho-K Treatment?

Ortho-K, short for orthokeratology, is using gas permeable contact lenses that are made specifically to re-shape your cornea while you sleep. The contacts are fitted to your specific needs by our Newport News optometrists. You wear the contacts every night, and take them out each morning.

Is Ortho-K Treatment Permanent?

No. When you wear your lenses at night, you will see clearly the next day. While the effect can last several days or more, it is recommended that you wear your Ortho-K lenses every night for maximum results.

What Type of Vision Can Ortho-K Correct?

If you are nearsighted, with or without astigmatism, hyperopia, or presbyopia, your vision can be corrected with Ortho-K. In general, your vision can be corrected if your prescription is -6.00 or better.

Who Are Good Candidates for Ortho-K?

People who are too young for surgical lens correction, and those with medical conditions that prevent lens surgery are great candidates for Ortho-K. The effect is temporary, and there are few if any side effects. When you stop wearing your lenses at night, your corneas return to their original shape and you will need to wear corrective lenses once again. People who play sports, or work in industries where corrective lenses are difficult to wear find that Ortho-K offers a good solution.

Non-Surgical Vision Correction in Newport News, VA

When you don't want to wear corrective lenses during the day, but you aren't ready to try surgical techniques, Ortho-K is an excellent solution. Used by many people who aren't good candidates for surgical procedures, Ortho-K offers the convenience of not having to wear glasses or contact lenses during the day without any side effects from surgery. Our Newport News optometrists are ready to meet with you to talk about your vision needs and to show you all of your options when it comes to vision correction.

For more information about Ortho-K, contact N2 Eyes Comprehensive Optometry in Newport News, Virginia, at 757-596-4018.