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Newport News Vision Therapy Services

At N2 Eyes Comprehensive Optometry, we are pleased to offer vision therapy services. Vision therapy can help with focus and concentrating problems, as well as treating many learning disabilities that have a visual component. Learn more about our vision therapy services, including who should try this therapy. 

What is Vision Therapy? 

Vision therapy is a doctor-supervised program to improve visual processing and build visual skills. Many visual and learning problems arise when visual skills are underdeveloped. 

While glasses or contacts correct the vision to normal levels, vision therapy actually teaches the eye muscles different habits. Through vision therapy, the eye muscles are retrained and strengthened with the goal of improving vision and learning retention. 

After completing vision therapy, patients will have replaced their old behaviors with new ones that promote an optimal relationship with the eye and brain. Vision therapy may be used instead of eye surgery for visual problems, or as a supplement to eye surgery. 

Who Can Benefit From Vision Therapy? 

If you have a condition that was misdiagnosed or you are taking medication for a condition (such as ADHD and ADD), vision therapy may be able to help. Conditions that benefit from vision therapy include: 

  • ADD
  • ADHD
  • Lazy eye
  • Learning disability
  • Primitive reflexes
  • Strabismus
  • Sensorimotor dysfunction
  • Sports vision

Yet you do not need to have a misdiagnosed condition to benefit from vision therapy. If you find yourself losing your place while reading or falling asleep while you read, you may benefit from vision therapy. If you get tired doing work, you may benefit from vision therapy. 

How Does Vision Therapy Work? 

When you come to Dr. Overmeyer for vision therapy, we begin with an in-depth eye examination. We use the binocular vision evaluation to check your vision and eye function. We may ask you questions about your habits, learning experiences, and medications you take to get a full picture of your health. After we gather all the facts, we will begin vision therapy. 

We typically recommend that patients see Dr. Overmeyer for one vision therapy session a week for a 10-week cycle.  Sessions last 45 minutes to one hour. To supplement therapy sessions, we have patients complete home therapy using a handbook. At-home sessions take 15 minutes and should be done four to five times a week. 

After 10 weeks of therapy, we will re-evaluate. We may suggest you continue with another round of vision therapy services or we may graduate you. Upon graduation, you will not need to visit Dr. Overmeyer for vision therapy services, but you may wish to do the exercises at home.

Schedule Vision Therapy With Dr. Overmeyer at N2 Eyes Comprehensive Optometry

If vision therapy interests you, why not give it a try? Our optometrists are happy to talk more about this with you, so you can decide for yourself if vision therapy would be beneficial. To learn more about vision therapy or try a session, please contact us at 757-596-4018 or via online appointment request form. We look forward to helping you see clearly! 

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