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Referral Program

Your expression of confidence is sincerely appreciated. We appreciate your trust and effort to refer your family and friends to N2 Eyes Comprehensive Optometry. If we are notified of the new referral, you will receive a discount card by mail. Bring your coupon to our office for savings on your next purchase. Because you took the time to tell others about our office, you have earned the following savings toward your next purchase of eyewear or contact lenses:

Refer 1 patient ...... $15 OFF
Refer 2 patients..... $30 OFF
Refer 3 patients..... $45 OFF
Refer 4 patients..... $60 OFF
Refer 5 patients..... $75 OFF
Refer 6 patients..... $90 OFF
Refer 7 patients..... $105 OFF
Refer 8 patients..... $120 OFF
Refer 9 patients..... $135 OFF
Refer 10 patients... $150 OFF

Maximum savings is $150 Saving period-two years from last purchase. No other offers, additional savings or vision plans apply.

Click here to download and print Referral Coupons.