Blog Tue, 03 May 2024 11:25:29 -0700 Wed, 02 Sep 2024 12:21:19 -0700 <![CDATA[Vision Correction While You Sleep with Ortho-K]]> Vision Correction While You Sleep with Ortho-K

woman using ortho-k vision correction while sleeping in Newport News, VA

If you depend on corrective lenses and you want to reduce or eliminate the use of glasses or contact lenses, Ortho-K could be for you. This is a painless strategy many eye doctors prescribe for patients who don't want to use corrective lenses but are not ready for laser surgery to correct their vision. Ortho-K is not a permanent solution, but it is one that many people turn to when they want temporary benefits.

Understanding How Ortho-K Works

Ortho-K uses specially designed contact lenses that the patients wears while they are sleeping. The lenses act much like a retainer for your teeth, slowly molding your cornea into shape while you sleep. This is a painless process, and when you wake up in the morning you take out the Ortho-K lenses. This is a technology that has been around for ten years or more, and one that people who don't want to wear lenses during the day turn to for vision correction.

Ortho-K lenses work by flattening the cornea slightly, giving you better vision much like Lasik surgery. This is a non-surgical procedure, and your cornea will go back to the original shape within a day or two. Most people find that their vision remains corrected as long as they wear their Ortho-K lenses every night.

If you are an athlete who doesn't want to wear corrective lenses, or you have trouble wearing contact lenses, Ortho-K is an excellent option to consider. Your lenses will be made specifically for you, and your eye doctor will make sure that they fit you properly. If you feel any discomfort while you are sleeping, check with your optometrist to see what your options are. Most people have no discomfort from Ortho-K, and they enjoy the freedom of not having to wear contact lenses during the day.

To learn more about correcting your vision with Ortho-K, contact N2 Eyes Comprehensive Optometry today at 757-596-4018, your best choice for Newport News optometrists in the area.

Tue, 03 May 2024 11:25:29 -0700
<![CDATA[April is Women's Eye Health & Safety Month!]]> April is Women's Eye Health & Safety Month!

Female patient at N2 Eyes Comprehensive Optometry taking care of her eye health

April is Women's Eye Health and Safety Month, and at N2 Eyes Comprehensive Optometry, we'd like to take a moment to raise awareness about certain eye health issues that may be affecting the women in your life--or even you!

Fast Facts About Women's Eye Health in Newport News

  • Two-thirds of all vision loss and eye diseases occur in women. One of the main reasons for this is that women tend to live longer than men, so they are more likely to develop age-related vision problems including cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration. Some eye diseases, including chronic dry eye and and autoimmune diseases which affect vision, are also more prevalent among women. 
  • The use of birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy may increase a woman's risk for developing cataracts. Fertility drugs also may cause some women to develop visual blind spots. 
  • Pregnancy exposes women to many changes in the eyes, including increased light sensitivity, dry eyes, and puffiness/swelling around the eyes. An increase in blood pressure, which often occurs during pregnancy, may also increase a woman's risk for blurry vision and retinal detachment.
  • Menopause causes many women to suffer from dry eye.

I'm a woman. How can I protect my eye health?

While not all eye diseases are curable, most are treatable, and sometimes can be prevented through important lifestyle changes. If you're a woman, here are a few things you can do to protect your vision and eye health:

  • Quit smoking, if you're a smoker. 
  • Eat a quality diet full of lean protein, vegetables, and fruits. 
  • Protect your eyes in the sun. 
  • Get regular eye exams. 

Is it time to schedule your next eye exam? See Your Newport News Optometrists Today

Unfortunately, many vision problems aren't detected until they have reached a very advanced stage. If you're a woman, protect your vision and invest in your eye health by scheduling an eye exam today. To set up an appointment or to learn more about our Newport News Optometrists, call N2 Eyes at 757-596-4018.

Thu, 31 Mar 2024 08:16:37 -0700
<![CDATA[Finding a Cure: Is it a Vision Problem, Dyslexia, ADD/ADHD?]]> Finding a Cure: Is it a Vision Problem, Dyslexia, ADD/ADHD?

When doctors diagnose ADD, ADHD or dyslexia in a child, it raises concerns for parents. The problem is that some individuals are misdiagnosed due to the similarities of certain vision problems with the symptoms of dyslexia or ADHD. The key to ensuring that a child has appropriate care is discussing your situation with an appropriate medical professional and evaluating a child's vision.

female optometrist giving a child an eye exam

Vision Problems in Children

Children do not always express their situation clearly and that can lead to misunderstandings when it relates to vision and eye health. Our Vision Therapist, Dr. Martha Overmeyer N2 Eyes has the skills and experience to recognize when a child's symptoms actually stem from vision problems and challenges with the way a patient recognizes objects or manages his or her eyes.

Problems with vision, such as difficulty focusing the eyes at the same object or a lazy eye, contribute to the way a child interacts with the world. Vision therapy helps a child learn the skills he or she needs to improve his or her vision through exercises and natural treatment strategies.

Improving Your Child’s Vision with Our Newport News Vision Therapy

The key to improving a child's vision in Newport News, Virginia is recognizing the underlying symptoms of a vision problem. Dyslexia or ADHD have similar symptoms to certain vision problems because a child cannot focus on the board in a classroom or see clearly to read the text. Essentially, a child loses focus during class or has difficulty learning to read due to his or her vision and the way that the eyes change focus rather than an underlying behavioral concern.

By working with our Newport News Vision Therapist,  parents can ensure that a child is accurately diagnosed for vision problems. Incorporating vision therapy into a treatment plan helps a child recover and improve his or her vision.

The cure to any problem is appropriate and accurate diagnosis. A misdiagnosis of ADHD, ADD or dyslexia when a child actually has a vision problem results in inappropriate treatment. To learn more about caring for a child's eyes and vision, contact us today.

Thu, 25 Feb 2024 09:10:37 -0800
<![CDATA[What is Vision Therapy? Newport News Eye Doctors Explain All]]> What is Vision Therapy? Newport News Eye Doctors Explain All

Vision therapy is a progressive program of visual exercises that targets how the message is transferred from the optic nerve to the brain. It’s akin to physical therapy – only targeted for the eyes and brain. It helps improve how a patient processes visual information. Vision therapy is highly effective for many common visual problems, such as convergence insufficiency, double vision, lazy eye, crossed eyes and some learning disabilities. In the case of reading and learning disabilities, vision therapy it targeted toward visual problems which directly inhibit reading and educational instruction.

Vision Therapy at N2 Eyes Comprehensive Optometry

woman getting vision therapy treatment

Under doctor supervision, an individualized vision therapy program is created to fit the needs of the patient. In-office treatments are generally conducted twice a week with 30 minute sessions. Often, patients are given a set of visual procedures to complete at home for reinforcement. Vision therapy specialists use a wide array of specialized medical equipment for vision therapy, including computer software, prism lenses, balance boards, visual-motor-sensory integration training devices, therapeutic lenses and more.

Are there scientific clinical studies demonstrating the efficacy of vision therapy? The answer is yes. The 12-week Convergence Insufficiency Treatment Trial (CITT) reported in the Archives of Ophthalmology found that 3/4 of patients who received in-office vision therapy reported less severe symptoms relating to reading, including blurry vision and eyestrain. Recent findings about neuroplasticity confirm that vision therapy can improve visual performance and correct vision problems.

When a basic eye exam indicates that corrective eye wear isn’t needed but a vision problem still exists, vision therapy may be an effective solution. At N2 Eyes Comprehensive Optometry, our Newport News optometrist, Dr. Martha, offers vision therapy services!

Call N2 Eyes Comprehensive Optometry to schedule an appointment. If you’ve having vision problems, vision therapy just may be an appropriate treatment option for you.

Thu, 28 Jan 2024 11:46:41 -0800
<![CDATA[5 Signs It Is Time To Schedule An Eye Exam With Newport News Optometrists]]> 5 Signs It Is Time To Schedule An Eye Exam With Newport News Optometrists  

Anytime you have recurrent headaches, blurry or cloudy vision, eye pain, or floaters, it is important to schedule an eye exam. Most eyesight problems start with minimal symptoms that continue to advance until you receive treatment from an eye doctor. Early diagnosis and treatment can often reverse or stall the condition and help you retain your eyesight and even prevent further complications. Here are five symptoms that should always prompt you to schedule an eye exam with your Newport News optometrists.

Blurry Vision

As your cornea thickens or changes shape, your field of vision may slowly start to become blurry around the edges. Eventually, you will struggle to see detail up close or far away, depending on if you are nearsighted or farsighted.

Cloudy Vision

If your vision looks cloudy in a small spot, cataracts could be developing in the lens. This spot will continue to increase in size until treated by an eye doctor.

Eye Pain

Squinting and head tilting to clear up blurry vision does very little to mitigate strain on your eyes. As a result, your eyes may feel sore and tired, especially if you spent the day reading, using a computer or scanning far ahead.


Eyestrain can continue to worsen throughout the day, leading to a serious headache. Head pain associated with eyestrain is often localized right behind the eyes and at the temples. These headaches rarely respond favorably to over the counter medications.


You must have all eye floaters evaluated with an eye exam to rule out retina abnormalities that could damage your vision. Fortunately, most floaters in your field of vision are completely normal and tend to go away on their own.

Scheduling A Newport News Optometrists Appointment

At N2 Eyes Comprehensive Optometry, you will always receive a comprehensive eye exam by Dr. Cassis or Dr. Overmeyer. These eye doctors can pinpoint health and structural problems that could lead to deterioration of your vision over the coming months.

What prompted you to schedule your last eye exam?

Tue, 29 Dec 2024 09:00:43 -0800
<![CDATA[New Year, New You...New Vision!]]> New Year, New You...New Vision!

Your Newport News optometrists, Drs. Cassis and Overmeyer, along with the rest of our clinic staff, are interested in improving and protecting your vision. With 2016 being only weeks away, N2 Eyes Comprehensive Optometry wants to talk to you about your better vision plan for the coming year.

couple wearing sunglasses in 2016

What's a better vision plan? The plan consists of changes you can make in your everyday lifestyle to enjoy healthier sight for optimal health and functioning.

Below are our top 5 tips for better vision in 2016:

See an optometrist. Visiting N2 Eyes Comprehensive Optometry on a regular basis is essential for maintaining eye health. Even people who have no history and no risk of vision problems should still see the optometrist yearly for a thorough vision examination. Call today to schedule yours for 2016.

Eat healthy. Several vitamins and nutrients in foods can make a drastic difference in protecting your eyesight. Enjoy a balanced diet including foods such as leafy greens, omega-3 rich salmon, and eggs.

Protect your eyes. No matter what your day-to-day activities consist of, you should make an effort to protect your eyes from injury or exposure. Wear sunglasses even on overcast days. Always swim with water goggles. And, wear protective gear while playing sports.

Rest your eyes. Follow the 20/20/20 rule and regularly give your eyes a break. When watching a TV, looking at a smart device, or using the computer, rest your eyes by looking 20 feet away from the screen for 20 seconds every 20 minutes.

Drink water. This may seem like a bit of advice every doctor tries to squeeze in, but, truly, staying hydrated is vital to eye health. When your body is dehydrated you may have difficulty forming tears, so drink up in 2016. 

Your Newport News Optometrists are here not only to provide you with eye care services for existing eye conditions, we are also dedicated to enhancing your overall vision with preventative care strategies such as those listed above. Call and schedule an appointment to talk to one of our doctors about your personal plan healthy vision in 2016.

How do you plan to optimize your vision health in 2016?

Tue, 08 Dec 2024 13:31:16 -0800
<![CDATA[5 Foods for Healthy Eyes]]> 5 Foods for Healthy Eyes

Eating nutritious foods helps you stay healthy overall, but certain foods specifically help your eyes stay in good condition. Including certain foods in your regular diet can help you maintain healthy eyes. Here are some helpful tips from your Newport News Optometrist.

Your Newport News Optometrist Wants you to Keep Your Eyes Healthy with These Foods


Certain kinds of fish, including sardines and mackerel, are high in healthy fats called omega-3 fatty acids. These fats can help ease symptoms of dry eye syndrome by relieving inflammation. They can also lower your risk of macular degeneration. There are several ways to prepare these types fish, including baking and grilling.


heartshape_eye_health_foodsBeans contain an important nutrient called zinc, which helps your liver release vitamin A. This vitamin helps build and maintain eye tissues, making it a crucial one to have for healthy eyes. You can easily add beans, such as lentils and chickpeas, to your diet by including them in salads and as sides to other dishes.


Eating broccoli on a regular basis could help lower your risk of eye problems, such as macular degeneration. Broccoli contains a few nutrients that are essential for eye health, including vitamin C, zeaxanthin and lutein. You can eat broccoli as a side dish, or cut it up and include it in casseroles and other recipes.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes contain beta carotene, which your body uses to make vitamin A. This vitamin helps keep your eyes healthy and makes it easier for your eyes to adjust to different light levels. You can also get beta carotene by eating other orange-colored foods, including carrots and squash.

Wheat Germ

Wheat germ has high amounts of vitamin E, which is an antioxidant that helps prevent cell damage from free radicals. This can lower your risk of vision loss and other eye problems. You can add wheat germ to oatmeal, smoothies and other recipes. 

Contact Our Newport News Optometrists for an Appointment

Getting regular vision exams is an important part of maintaining good eye health. If it is time for your next exam, please contact N2 Eyes Comprehensive Optometry for an appointment with Dr. Cassis or Dr. Overmeyer. We look forward to your visit!

Mon, 16 Nov 2024 12:06:58 -0800
<![CDATA[Decorative Contact Lens: Is it Worth Your Vision?]]> Decorative Contact Lens: Is it Worth Your Vision? 

decorative contact lenses Newport News optometristDid you know that decorative contact lenses allow you to play up your eyes with different colors? For example, you can wear vividly colored lenses while dressing up as a vampire or a specific color in order to look like your favorite movie character. Before you decide whether or not to purchase a pair of these lenses, you should learn more about their safety.

Cosmetic vs. Medical

Decorative lenses are considered medical devices that the Food and Drug Administration regulates. They are not considered cosmetic and should never be purchased from sellers that describe them this way. When you get decorative lenses, it is important to have your eye doctor take eye measurements to ensure a proper fit. You should also plan on seeing your eye doctor for a follow-up visit to make sure the lenses are correctly fitted. 

Eye Problems

These lenses can cause a number of eye problems, including scratches or bacterial infections, when they are not fitted properly or cleaned thoroughly. In some cases, infections can lead to corneal ulcers or even vision loss. If you do experience redness, any degree of vision loss or persistent eye pain, see your eye doctor as soon as possible. These might indicate an eye infection. 

Where to Purchase Them

Decorative contacts should always be purchased from a reputable seller, but only after getting an exam and prescription from an eye doctor. Places that sell decorative lenses without requiring a prescription are doing so illegally. Keep in mind that you will only be able to get a prescription for different colored lenses, not ones that make your eyes appear larger than normal. These anime lenses are not considered safe to wear.

Visit Our Newport News Optometrists

If you are interested in purchasing decorative contact lenses for Halloween, please make an appointment with Dr. Cassis or Dr. Overmeyer. Our Newport News optometrists can give you an eye exam and discuss the pros and cons of decorative lenses with you before writing a prescription.  

Tue, 20 Oct 2024 10:20:39 -0700
<![CDATA[Top 5 Questions and Answers About Ortho-K]]> Top 5 Questions and Answers About Ortho-K

At N2 Eyes Comprehensive Optometry, we are pleased to offer Orthokeratology or Ortho-K to our Newport News optometrists’ patients. October is Ortho-K Awareness Month at N2 Eyes Comprehensive Optometry, we invite you to learn more about this procedure and how it can help you. Learn answers to the top five questions about Ortho-K.

1. What is Ortho-K? Ortho-K refers to a procedure where special gas-permeable lenses are worn overnight to reshape the cornea and correct refractive errors through the process of daily nighttime wear. After a few nights of using the gas-permeable lenses, the average patient can expect to see well throughout the day without wearing glasses or contacts. 

ortho_k_contact_lens2. Do I need to wear the lenses every night, for the rest of my life? While correcting your vision, you will need to wear the lenses every night. Once your vision corrects, you can maintain the results of Ortho-K by wearing the lenses for a few nights a week, rather than every night. When you get to this phase, we can work with you to develop a schedule that fits your eye care needs. 

3. What if I stop wearing the lenses? If you use the lenses to correct vision problems and then stop wearing them altogether, your vision problems will return. 

4. What does Ortho-K treat? Ortho-K is particularly good at treating myopia or nearsightedness. It also works well for mild astigmatism. To get results, you must wear the lenses as directed by our optometrists. Individuals who cannot wear contacts or glasses at work, such as athletes or firefighters, are good Ortho-K candidates. 

5. What is the success rate for Ortho-K? FDA studies show that over 65 percent of people were able to restore their vision to 20/20 using Ortho-K. Additionally, the study shows that over 90 percent of people were able to achieve 20/40 correction.

Would you like to see one of our optometrists to discuss getting Ortho-K done, or talk about anything else? If so, then please contact our reception staff to schedule your eye care appointment with Dr. Cassis or Dr. Overmeyer!

Tue, 13 Oct 2024 08:55:26 -0700
<![CDATA[3 Reading Myths Debunked]]> 3 Reading Myths Debunked

reading myths debunked Newport News N2EyesWhen it comes to maintaining optimal vision, you need the right blend of prevention, treatment, and education. You also need the right eye doctor to provide these critical components. Part of our mission at N2 Eyes Comprehensive Optometry is to educate all of our patients about what makes healthy eyes and to empower our patients to make healthy choices that will enhance their quality of life. 

To that end, we'd like to dispel a few myths about vision we've heard throughout the years in our practice. So many of our patients have issues with reading and with the induction of so many new technological devices that we use daily, we're going to focus on these common problem areas. 

Excessive time reading on a computer screen or sitting close to a TV will damage your eyes.

Many of us have experienced sore and tired eyes after looking at a screen. While staring at a monitor can strain your eyes, it's unlikely to cause any permanent long term damage. To minimize the effects of excessive and close-up screen time, we recommend taking short breaks away from your computer or TV.  In most cases these eye strains are the result of dry eyes or fatigue.

Reading fine print or reading in dim lighting will damage your eyes.

It's certainly more difficult to read in poor lighting, but as with digital screens, it's more likely that your eyes will become fatigued or dried out rather than actually damaged. The same goes for small print. In order to combat these symptoms just remember to take breaks and be sure to look into the distance to relieve your eyes from stress after concentrating on any fine print for so long.

Wearing corrective lenses will make your eyes dependent on them.

Eye deterioration over time is a natural part of aging and something that can’t be stopped. Corrective lenses do not alter the structure or physiology of your eyes, they are simply there to correct your near or far sighted problems. Oftentimes people think that because their prescription is strengthening as they get older that their eyes are becoming more dependent on them, when really they are just naturally aging.

If you have trouble with your vision and you're interested in learning more about the vision therapy services we offer, please contact our friendly Newport News optometrists today. 

Thu, 17 Sep 2024 11:14:42 -0700
<![CDATA[Start School Strong: Eye Exams for Your Children]]> Start School Strong: Eye Exams for Your Children

The lazy days of summer vacation are finally over, and your kids are diving into yet another year of learning, studying and pursuing new interests. But after you purchase the school supplies and pack the lunches, are you sure your children are fully prepared for the year ahead? Clear vision and healthy eyes are absolutely essential to the learning process, and if your kids have never received a comprehensive eye exam, they may struggle with eye problems that are disruptive but easy to correct.

Good Eyesight Makes Good Grades Possible

Your kids should have the same tools and opportunities as the rest of their classmates, and that includes the ability to clearly see the information they learn. Some vision problems will worsen over a long period of time, and others are caused by sudden changes, but they all create obstacles that prevent your child from fully engaging in the learning experience.

Make Sure They Start School Strong

child_optometry_eye_examThe semester will be over before you know it. If your child starts the year with undiagnosed myopia (near-sightedness) or hyperopia (far-sightedness), they may fall behind and spend the rest of the year catching up. Vision problems may also cause disruptive headaches and other preventable, painful symptoms. Schedule your appointment as soon as possible in order to spare your child from pain and give them a fighting chance.

At N2 Eyes Comprehensive Optometry, our name says it all. Our comprehensive eye exams go above and beyond the rudimentary vision tests that kids receive during their back-to-school physicals. We also test their eyes' ability to focus, move and adjust to lighting changes, as well as the overall health of their eyes and nerves.

If your child wears corrective contacts or glasses, how long has it been since their last eye exam? If they passed their pediatrician's eye test but have never seen an optometrist, do you want extra assurance that they will be able to see their board and textbooks this year? Contact us to schedule a routine eye exam, and we will make sure your child has the opportunity to excel this year.

Wed, 02 Sep 2024 12:21:19 -0700
<![CDATA[Comprehensive Optometry at N2 Eyes since 2004]]> Comprehensive Optometry at N2 Eyes Since 2004

As a Newport News optometrist, Dr. Cassis has been providing comprehensive optometry services for the Hampton Roads areas since 2004. Supported by our knowledgeable, friendly staff, N2 Eyes's Dr. Cassis and Dr. Overmeyer strives to provide all of her patients with one-on-one attention. With a focus on ensuring that you understand your eyes better so that their health and vision are protected, our doctors provide an extensive array of services. 

N2 Eyes Offers Hampton Roads Complete Eye Care Options

Dr. Cassis and Dr. Overmeyer provides routine eye exams to ensure that your eyes are healthy. In addition, she offers contact lens exams to determine if they are a viable alternative to glasses for you. Due to the advances in the field of contact lenses within the past several years, Dr. Cassis and Dr. Overmeyer provides specialty contact lens fittings tailored to your own unique needs. Today, she offers daily-wear soft, rigid gas-permeable (RGP), planned replacement, extended-wear and extended-wear disposable contact lens options for patients. After performing a thorough contact lens exam, Dr. Cassis and Dr. Overmeyer determines the right option for you. She takes the time to explain why a particular type of contact lenses is the best choice for your vision and health.

Corrective Vision Choices

N2 Eyes Comprehensive Optometry provides a number of different choices when it comes to corrective vision. In addition to glasses and contacts, we also offer Lasik surgery as well as photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) surgery. For those patients who do not want to undergo surgery, Dr. Cassis and Dr. Overmeyer offers another, non-invasive option: Orthokeratology or Ortho K

Ortho K provides options for those of our patients who might not be good candidates for surgery. Additionally, because Ortho K works to reshape your corneas while you are sleeping via specially-shaped lenses, you can enjoy flawless or almost flawless vision for short periods of time. 

N2 Eyes is eager to help Hampton Roads patients obtain the best in eye care solutions at our Newport News, VA office. Contact us today with any questions or to make an appointment. 

Fri, 28 Aug 2024 09:57:27 -0700