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Why Our Newport News Optometrists Recommend Sunglasses

Sunglasses do far more than just make you look like a movie star -- they're also an essential health and wellness accessory. These specially constructed and tinted lenses block a large percentage of incoming light to keep you from being blinded by glare. They also block the passage of a dangerous kind of radiation called ultraviolet light, or UV, which can injure your eyes and even cause serious, irreversible eye diseases. If you're going out, your sunglasses need to go with you -- and our Newport News optometrists at N2 Eyes Comprehensive Optometry, Dr. Nathalie Cassis and Dr. Martha K. Overmeyer, can make sure you're wearing the right kind.

UV light is invisible to the eye, which in a way makes it even more dangerous because it's so easy to ignore. The two types of UV radiation you need to worry about are UVA and UVB, both of which penetrate the atmosphere and harm exposed tissues, including the delicate tissues of the eye. In the short term, UV exposure can "sunburn" the eye, a condition called photokeratitis. Intense or repeated exposure can contribute to the development of cataracts and macular degeneration, both of which can rob you of your eyesight over time. UV exposure also causes both cancer of the eye and eyelid/skin cancer. For these reasons, our Newport News optometrists urge you  to wear the proper eye protection when outdoors -- even on cloudy days, when UV rays can shine through (or reflect off of) clouds.

Your Family's Source for Newport News Sunglasses

As you can see, sunglasses are extremely important for providing UV protection, not only for averting eye damage/disease but also for preventing cancer of the eyelids and the skin around the eyes. Unfortunately, selecting sunglasses that will actually provide these benefits isn't quite as easy as buying the first good-looking pair you see at a mall kiosk. The troubling truth is that many cheaper sunglasses (and even some not-so-cheap ones) are all style and no substance when it comes to blocking UV rays. You can't really tell sunglasses' protective powers from the darkness of the lenses. That's where expert advice from a seller of high-quality products makes all the difference -- why is why you should get your Newport News sunglasses at N2 Eyes Comprehensive Optometry.

Our Newport News optometrists can make sure you and your loved ones are equipped with "UV 400" sunglasses. This rating means that the sunglasses block all wavelengths 400 nanometers and shorter, thus filtering out the entire UV range so you know you're safe. Some of the lenses are also polarized, meaning that they're designed to reduce glare that bounces up from sand, highways and water. Best of all, you'll love the sheer selection of our fashionable Newport News sunglasses from leading designers. Safety and style are a natural combination at N2 Eyes, so make our clinic your first stop before indulging in outdoor fun!