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Eye & Vision Exams with Our Newport News Optometrist

At N2 Eyes Comprehensive Optometry, we know that eye and vision care must truly be as comprehensive – and consistent – as possible. Whether you need to update your contact lens prescription or strengthen your child's visual skills with vision therapy, our Newport News optometrists are here to help. Of course, neither diagnosis nor treatment is possible without regular eye and vision exams. Our whole team works hard to deliver personalized, comprehensive eye care that revolves around regular eye and vision exams.

Benefits of Regular Eye and Vision Exams

Eye exams are crucial to all the other services we provide, from corrective eyewear to post-operative care. We recommend regular exams to evaluate your vision, focus, and the condition of your eyes, so that we can assess future risks and treat any current problems. Our special tests, measurements, and regular monitoring allow us to keep your prescriptions accurate, detect early symptoms of treatable conditions, prevent degeneration and discomfort, and protect your eyes from UV rays, eye strain, and other side effects of unhealthy habits and untreated damage.

Why Our Optometrist in Newport News Should Perform Your Vision Test

AT N2 Eyes Comprehensive Optometry, we know that vision tests are available at a variety of other places, including eyeglass stores and general doctor's offices. However, we encourage all our patients to stick to professional optometrists for all their vision care needs. Only optometrists have the experience and education that it takes to detect the early symptoms of conditions such as diabetic retinopathy, and to evaluate and treat minor problems with focus, light sensitivity, color distinction, and more.

Patients of all ages benefit from comprehensive vision exams. Undetected vision problems can lead to a variety of preventable problems, from learning difficulties in children to permanent vision loss in older adults. Make sure a Newport News optometrist evaluates your eyes and vision regularly, in order to detect any minor changes and prescribe the appropriate eye wear, vision therapy, and other solutions to restore your eyesight and minimize future risks.  

Our Pre-LASIK and Post-Op Eye Exams

If you're interested in LASIK eye surgery or another corrective procedure, our optometrists will help you explore this option. We offer pre-LASIK eye evaluations to determine whether you're a good candidate for LASIK. If your Newport News optometrist thinks your vision and eye health are a good fit for the procedure, we will refer to a local eye surgeon who performs LASIK surgery. After your procedure, we will step back in to handle your recovery needs, including regular post-op exams to monitor your progress.

Schedule Your Next Eye Exam in Newport News at N2 Eyes Comprehensive Optometry!

We're accepting new patients now, so don't wait any longer to get back on track with your vision and eye care regimen. Call 757-596-4018 to make an appointment with a Newport News optometrist today. Just let us know whether you need a routine eye exam, a contact lens exam, or a general office visit, and our team will do our best to accommodate your schedule.